
  • We believe that our church is richer if it includes the diverse world around us.

  • We believe our diverse community plays a vital part in our faith, social and individual growth.

  • We believe diversity makes us healthier as individuals and as an organization, and sparks creativity and innovation. 

  • We stand against racism, sexism, heterosexism, transphobia, xenophobia, classism, ageism, ableism and all other forms of hate and prejudice.

Our Commitment:

  • We will work to understand the power of diversity by committing to reflection, education and dialogue.

  • We will work to increase equitable opportunity in business and hiring practices in our church.

  • We will work to celebrate the power of diversity through our actions in our church and our community.

  • We will commit to supporting a balance of programs offered by Third Space and LVPC that reflect our beliefs.

  • We will review our progress toward these commitments as a standing agenda item for each committee meeting and hold the body of our church accountable for meeting our commitments.

Approved by the Session May 18, 2021.

Core Value: we foster a diverse, equitable, inclusive and compassionate community.